Article LinkUntil now, US singer/songwriter Mark Brown was active with his band UNCLE BUCKLE. With "Happy Hour" there is now a solo album, with a classic mix of country and folk, as we know it from Johnny Cash. And not only that, Mark Brown's voice is also reminiscent of the legendary "Man in Black" on more than one occasion. Musically, "Happy Hour" also sounds like a cross-section of his repertoire, but after all, Mark Brown also held his first Cash record in his hands at the age of six. From ballads to fast-paced country songs, from sparsely instrumented pieces to pieces lavishly spiced up with slide guitar, everything is there. By the way, "Inertia" sounds like "Unten am Hafen", the sailor's song by Rio Reiser, and the opening piece "Scratch" surprises with catchy funky sounds.
Kay Werner